The two big public pension plans in Geneva are in dire straits. The local legislature is considering a bill this week that would merge them and would also provide a capital injection of almost a billion Swiss francs. The funds have pursued what is euphemistically called a mixed financing strategy. Their assets cover less than […]
Why another weblog on investment?
Instead of a mission statement Let us get the obvious observation out of the way: of course, any weblog is an indulgence and a bit of an ego trip. Many of them are no more than that. But a weblog also has the potential of being something more. It may provide stimulating food for thought […]
On Piketty
By Rolf on 15 January 2015
I admit that I did not finish Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century. If you did and liked it, you may want to stop here. I did get a bit further than the typical reader who, according to reports based on annotations on the Kindle version, made it to about page 26. I found it […]
Posted in Comments/ramblings | Tagged Empirical research, Philosophy, Statistics