The performance of asset managers
I have made only one specific investment recommendation on this weblog so far and it has turned out to be rather poor advice, at least in the short term. I questioned the wisdom of investing in the Carlyle IPO almost two years ago. But Carlyle has comfortably outperformed both the market and its sector since […]
Reader beware
Lessons from the Reinhart-Rogoff saga The controversy about the mistakes in the Reinhart and Rogoff 2010 paper has left their reputation somewhat in tatters and has provided ample scope for expressions of Schadenfreude among economists. But there are actually also some interesting lessons in this sad development for those of us who are interested in […]
On Piketty
By Rolf on 15 January 2015
I admit that I did not finish Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century. If you did and liked it, you may want to stop here. I did get a bit further than the typical reader who, according to reports based on annotations on the Kindle version, made it to about page 26. I found it […]
Posted in Comments/ramblings | Tagged Empirical research, Philosophy, Statistics