Rolf Banz
Rolf originally trained as an engineer at the ETH in Zurich. Later, he obtained an MBA and PhD at the Graduate School of Business of the University of Chicago. His dissertation was on the pricing of small companies in the US market – what became known as the small firm effect. After a number of years teaching in business schools in Canada, the US and France, he started, with his wife and American partners, an investment boutique in London that concentrated on small cap investment. In 1991, the firm was sold to Alliance Capital and Rolf became head of its London office, responsible for all international equity investment activities. Then, for fifteen years, he was with the asset management subsidiary of a Swiss private bank in a number of senior positions. After his retirement, he now consults for a number of institutional investors and families.
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The green logo that you may see on the tab for this website (technically called a “favicon” – don’t ask) was the logo of Dimensional Asset Management Ltd., the investment boutique mentioned above. The company was merged into another UK company and the logo disappeared. It is used here for purely nostalgic reasons. It is quite distinctive and the author simply happens to like it.
The author of the website has been called a font nerd by a colleague; he considers that as a compliment. The fonts used in this website (assuming your browser knows how to deal with the @font-face command) are two clean fonts by a Berlin-based designer, Lucas van de Groot. They are part of a series called Thesis: the sans serif font is called TheSans, the serif font is called TheAntiqua. Other fonts by the same designer that you may have come across are Calibri, of Microsoft fame, and Spiegel, as in the eponymous German news magazine.